
Individual Psychotherapy

Our therapists are ready to ready to work in collaboration with our clients to support and encourage finding their individual path toward healing and growth. We offer a wide range of talk therapy based psychotherapy options to address a variety of presenting concerns.

Talk Therapy May Include:

  • Person Centered Therapy

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Strengths Based Therapy

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

EMDR is an evidence based comprehensive eight phase psychotherapy modality which accelerates the treatment of disturbing experiences that impact current functioning. An EMDRIA trained or certified EMDR therapist will use a form of bi-lateral stimulation (back and forth movement) to assist the brain in reprocessing the disturbing experiences on a behavioral and neurological level.

Examples of presenting issues for EMDR therapy include: complex trauma, childhood neglect/abuse, rape, domestic violence, depression, anxiety, performance blocks, phobias, complicated grief, auto accidents, fear of flying, chronic pain, addiction issues, and any experience that continues to cause ongoing distress in the mind of body.

The American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs/Dept. of Defense, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and the World Health Organization among many other national and international organizations recognize EMDR therapy as an effective treatment.


Pre-verbal Trauma Treatment

Individuals can experience traumatizing situations at a very young age, including during birth or their very early years. Those traumatizing experiences are then stored in a different way and can be expressed in physical and sensory sensations, feelings, sounds, smells or images. When these experiences cannot be consciously recalled and verbalized, this is called preverbal trauma.

Our EMDRIA trained/certified EMDR therapists will gently guide clients through the reprocessing of these experiences using a research based EMDR pre-verbal protocol to allow individuals to reconnect with emotional affect and provide corrective emotional experiences for their younger self.

Somatic Experiencing (SE) Therapy

Developed by Dr. Peter Levine, SE is a body-oriented therapeutic model applied in multiple professions and professional settings. SE works on the principle that trauma gets trapped in the body, leading to some of the symptoms of PTSD and trauma. Through this method, practitioners work on releasing this stress from the body.

Somatic experiencing assists a person in having an increased sense of awareness of their internal experience (interoceptive, proprioceptive, and kinesthetic sensations).

Somatic experiencing practitioners use a framework known as SIBAM (Sensation, Imagery, Behavior, Affect, and Meaning) to help clients incorporate their bodies in processing trauma.

Typically, most therapy uses our cognitive skills to access our memories or traumas via “top down” methods. However, somatic experiencing uses a “bottom up” approach, which starts with bodily sensations before returning to thought.

Brief Intensive Trauma Treatment

This treatment is a maximum of three sessions which are two-three hours in length. Clincians will utilize an evidenced based trauma based modality (ie. EMDR, SE ) to assist a client in addressing acute trauma symptoms or provide a ‘jump start’ for future therapy sessions. This is a great option for clients who are on waiting lists for therapy.

Clinicians will give materials and resources to prepare a client prior to these short term intensive sessions in order to maximize efficiency of the in person time.

These sessions are billed at an out of pocket rate of $150/hour (in some cases we may be able to bill the first hour to insurance), and are only available in person.

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

TF-CBT is an evidence-based approach that uses cognitive-behavioral principles, narration, en vivo exposure, and family therapy approaches to treat trauma related symptoms in children and adolescents.

Although TF-CBT is highly effective at improving youth posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and diagnosis, a PTSD diagnosis is not required in order to receive this treatment. TF-CBT also effectively addresses many other trauma impacts, including affective (e.g., depressive, anxiety), cognitive and behavioral problems, as well as improving the participating parent’s or caregiver’s personal distress about the child’s traumatic experience, effective parenting skills, and supportive interactions with the child.

Pre- and Post-Surgical Therapeutic Coaching

Pre- and Post-Surgical Therapeutic Coaching is designed to help a client address traumatic medical experiences, make a detailed care plan prior to a surgery, and a detailed care plan for post-surgery which includes processing of any distressing moments during the recent surgical experience.

Pre-surgery: A trauma informed therapist will meet with you either via in person or telehealth prior to your surgery to make a detailed plan for your needs, particularly focused on emotional and somatic comfort. The goal of this service is medical trauma prevention through encouraging clients to assert their individual needs to their medical team and family/support circle. Client and therapist may also address previous medical trauma using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) or Somatic Experiencing (SE) Techniques to prepare the client’s nervous system for the surgery.

Post-surgery recovery: A trauma informed therapist will meet with client either via telehealth or in person to review the client’s experience and allow for reprocessing of any distress that was stored during the surgery using EMDR or SE techniques. Therapist will review care plan, and make any additional recommendations focused on client rest and recovery.

This is a short-term service. The number of sessions will be decided by the therapist and client depending on the intensity of need.

***This service NOT covered by insurance. Clients receiving pre- and post-surgical therapeutic coaching will pay an out-of-pocket rate of $175/hour.

Clinical Supervision/EMDRIA Approved EMDR Consultation

This service is for master’s level clinicians seeking licensure hours and/or hours for EMDR Certification. Individual supervision and consultation hours are available on an as needed basis, and groups are available upon availability. Group members are allowed a minimum of15 minutes to present cases within the group setting.


  • Licensure supervision is available at a rate of $200/hour.

  • EMDR Consultation is available at $200/hour or $50/group.


  • Caitlin Krenz MS, LPCC: MN Board Approved Licensure Supervisor and EMDRIA Consultant in Training

If interested please, email for further information.
